An employment agency specializing in temporary construction help pays heavy equipment operators $ 135 per day and general laborers $ 89per day. If thirty-three people were hired and the payroll was $ 3949how many heavy equipment operators were​ employed? How many​ laborers?The number of heavy equipment operators hired was ____The number of general laborers hired was ____

The answer is:
 Number of heavy equipment operators = 22
 Number of general laborers = 11
 The question can be solved by proposing a system of equations, where:
 Ep= number of heavy equipment operators.
 Tg= number of general labored.
 We have two equations, the first is the cost of hiring heavy equipment operators and general workers.
  The second is the number of operators of heavy equipment and general workers that will be contracted. The total is 33.


 Solving the system of equations we have the answer is:

general 6 months ago 2101