A B C D and F are questions about the picture please help!!

I'm going to separate this into sections so it makes more sense for you to read. For the problems with π where you have to round, ask your teacher where to round, unless your textbook specifies it:

A – 100 cm^2

To calculate area of squares, you multiply l • w. It's a square, so all sides are equal, and since we know that one side = 10 cm, the area is 10 • 10 = 100

B – πr^2         (not sure if the r shows up very well, so I'm retyping it in words - pi • radius squared)

C – 25π cm^2 or an approximate round like 78.54 cm^2 (ask your teacher about this – it could be to the nearest tenth, hundredth, etc.)

To find the area of a circle, you must follow the formula πr^2. In this case, the diameter is 10. The radius is half the diameter, so to substitute the values you must find 10 ÷ 2 = 5. So the radius is 5 cm. From there you can substitute r for 5, ending up with π • 5^2.    5^2 = 25, so the area is 25π, or about 78.54, depending on where the question wants you to round.

D – An approximate round (to the nearest hundredth it is 21.46 cm^2)

To find the area of the shaded region, just subtract the circle's area from the square's area, or 100 – 25π ≈ 21.46. Again, though, ask your teacher about where to round, unless your textbook specifies it.

E – dπ      (diameter • pi)

F – 10π cm^2 or an approximate round like 31.42 cm^2

The diameter is 10. 10π ≈ 31.42

Hope this helps!
general 6 months ago 4274