A can has a radius of 2 inches and a volume of 62.8 cubic inches. Find the height of the can.a. the formula for the volume of a cylinder is V=(pie)r2h. Rewrite this formula to solve for h. (2 poitns)b.use ur forumula to find the height,h, of the can. use 3.14 for (pie) . (2 points)c. write ur answer as a sentence

Answer:a.  [tex]h=\frac{V}{\pi r^{2} }[/tex]b.  h = 5c.  The height of the can is 5 inches.Step-by-step explanation:a. [tex]V=\pi r^{2} h[/tex][tex]h=\frac{V}{\pi r^{2} }[/tex]b. [tex]h=\frac{62.8}{3.14(2^{2} )}[/tex][tex]=\frac{62.8}{12.56}[/tex]h = 5 inches.c. The height of the can is 5 inches.
general 6 months ago 4968