A cheese can be classified as either raw dash milk or pasteurized. suppose that 85​% of cheeses are classified as pasteurized. ​(a) two cheeses are chosen at random. what is the probability that both cheeses are pasteurized​? ​(b) nine cheeses are chosen at random. what is the probability that all nine cheeses are pasteurized​? ​(c) what is the probability that at least one of nine randomly selected cheeses is raw dash milk​? would it be unusual that at least one of nine randomly selected cheeses is raw dash milk​?

Answer:72.25%; 23.16%; 76.84%; No.Step-by-step explanation:The probability that any given cheese chosen at random will be pasteurized is 85%, or 0.85.  This means that the probability of two random cheeses being pasteurized will be0.85(0.85) = 0.7225 = 72.25%.The probability that 9 cheeses chosen at random will all be pasteurized will be0.85⁹ = 0.2316 = 23.16%.The probability that at least 1 out of 9 cheeses chosen at random will be raw-milk would be the complement of no cheeses being raw milk.  This means all 9 would be pasteurized; we know this probability to be 23.16%.  This means the complement would be1-0.2316 = 0.7684 = 76.84%.1 out of 9 cheeses being raw-milk is 1/9 = 0.1111 = 11.11%.85% of cheese are pasteurized; this means that 100-85 = 15% of cheeses are raw-milk.  Thus an 11% probability would not be unusual.
general 6 months ago 7684