Which excerpt from Hamlet, Act I, Scene i is a stage direction?A. A Platform before the Castle.B. Enter to him BERNARDO.C. Bernardo: Who’s there?D. FRANCISCO at his post

There are three options in this question that can be said to be a stage direction. A stage  direction is an instruction given before the action begins in every scene. It can be a sound, the entrance of an actor, a location or even an emotion that a character is feeling. These descriptions are used to informe the actors or whoever reads the play about relevant details concerning the aformentioned aspects. . Taking into account this, the options that are connected with this definition of stage direction are the following:Answer:A. A platform before the Castle (Location)B. Enter to him Bernardo (Entrance of a character)D. Fransisco at his post (The position of an actor on stage)As you can see, Shakespeare's stage directions were brief and to the point.OPTION C = WRONG because it is part of the dialogue that occurs as the scene begins.
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