A coed little league team had 18 players . Even though it was raining half the girls and one third of the boys showed up for the game , but theses 7 players went home when the game was canceled. How many girls were on the team?

Answer: The number of Girls players in the Team of 18 players is 6 . Step-by-step explanation:Given as :The total number of player including boys and girls = 18 And [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] times girls player +  [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] times boys player = 7Let The number of boys player = BThe number of girls player = GSo, According to questionG + B = 18      ...1 [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] × G +  [tex]\frac{1}{3}[/tex] × B= 7or, [tex]\frac{G}{2}[/tex]  +  [tex]\frac{B}{3}[/tex] = 7    ...2or, Put the value of B from  eq 1or,  [tex]\frac{G}{2}[/tex]  +  [tex]\frac{18 - G}{3}[/tex] = 7  Or,  [tex]\frac{G}{2}[/tex]  -  [tex]\frac{G}{3}[/tex]  + 6 = 7or,  [tex]\frac{3G - 2G}{6}[/tex]  = 7 - 6Or,  [tex]\frac{G}{6}[/tex]   = 1∴ G = 1 × 6 = 6Hence The number of Girls players in the Team of 18 players is 6 . Answer
general 5 months ago 8986