A group of campers uses a map of a state park to plan their trip to and from the campsite. The map looks like a grid in which each unit represents one kilometer. Their starting point is located at (4,5) and their campsite is located at (2,8). On the way to the site, the campers will travel due west and then due north. The campers will travel in a straight line back to their starting point on the way back.About how many kilometers will the campers hike all together?


Departure point : (4, 5)
They are first heading west, to go to the (2,5). They made 2 km.
Then they are heading north, to go to (2,8) -> campsite. They made 3 km

To return to departure point, the make the choice to walk in straight line :

[tex]d = \sqrt{(4 - 2)^{2} + (5 - 8)^{2}} \\ \\ d = \sqrt{4 + 9} \\ \\ d = \sqrt{13} \\ \\d \approx 3.60\;km[/tex]

In total : they walked : 2 + 3 + 3.60 = 8.60 km
general 6 months ago 5413