A plumber worked 26 hours a week for half a year. If his hourly wage was $40, how much did he earn during this time period? A. $1040 B. $27,040 C. $54,080 D. $520

By calculations, the correct answer is option B. the amount that the plumber earns during this time period is $27,040.PaymentThe rate at which the work payment is made for work done multiplied by the duration of the work gives the wageTime workedIn this case, a plumber worked 26 hours a week for half a year. Being 52 weeks the number of weeks in a year, then the number of weeks that the plumber worked is calculated as:Number of weeks worked= 52 weeks÷ 2= 26 weeksThen, the number of hours in 26 weeks is given as follows:26 weeks× 26 hours per week= 676 hoursEarningFinally, if the hourly wage was $40, the amount that the plumber earns during this time period is calculated as:676 hours× $40 per hour= $27,040SummaryIn summary, the correct answer is option B. the amount that the plumber earns during this time period is $27,040.Learn more with this similar problem:
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