A right rectangular prism has a length of 2 1/2 feet, a width of 3 feet,and a height of 1 1/2 feet. Unit cubes with side lengths of 1/2 foot are added to completely fill the prism with no space remaining. What is the volume, in cubic feet, of the right rectangular prism

As I think it is easy to answer the volume of prism I will also calculate no of small prism that can fit inside the larger one  
so volume = length * width * height
 volume of larger prism
 vp=45/4 ft^3 =11.25
 volume of small cubes
 vs=0.125 ft^3
 now numbers of cube that can fit
 n= 11.25/.125
 so 90 smaller cubes will completely fill in the prism
general 6 months ago 2173