a trapezoid has base lengths of 6 and 15 centimeters with an area of 136.5 square centimeters. What is the height of the trapezoid?

•*Ok first let me show you the formula for the Area of the trapezoid.
A=a+b/2 h.(I will be using the letter x for the multiplication sign)
*And here is the formula to find the height of a trapezoid
h=2 x A/a+b (2 times the Area over base "a" plus base "b")

*We need to plug in the numbers: h = 2 x 136.5/6+15
*Next, we add the two bases to get 21: 6+15=21 (h=2 x 136.5)  
*Then, divide the total of the two bases (21) from the area to get 6.5: 136.5/21-6.5
*Finally we multiply 2 by 6.5: 2 x 6.5= 13
The height if this trapezoid is 13.

Hope this helps you ☺
general 6 months ago 6647