So yeah if someone can help me with

Answer:y = x - 5Step-by-step explanation:The equation of the line parallel to the line [tex]$ ax + by + c_1 = 0$[/tex] is [tex]$ ax + by + c_2 = 0 $[/tex].That is, equations of parallel lines differ only by constant.The given equation is [tex]$ y = x + 4 $[/tex]This is written as [tex]$ x - y + 4 = 0 $[/tex]Therefore, the equation of the line parallel to this line is given by [tex]$ x - y + c = 0 $[/tex]The value of c is determined using the point given.Substituting the point (3,-2) we get:[tex]$ 3 + 2 + c = 0$[/tex][tex]$ \implies c = -5 $[/tex]Therefore, the equation of the line becomes y = x - 5.
general 6 months ago 4242