A window has the shape of a rectangle with a semicircle at the top Find the approximate area of the window using the dimensions shownA about 9.57B about 14.28C about 11.14D about 20.56

To solve this problem you must apply the proccedure shown below:

 1. You need to apply the formula for calculate the area of a rectangle and the formula for calculate the area of a semicircle, which are:

 - Area of the rectangle:


 Where b is the base and h is the height

 A1=(4 ft)(2ft)
 A1=8 ft²

 - Area of the semicircle:


 Where r is the radius.

 A2=π(1 ft)²/2
 A2=1.57 ft²

 2. Therefore, the area of the figure is:

 At=9.57 ft²

 The answer is the:

 A. About 9.57 
general 6 months ago 1303