Amelia is currently spending more each month than she is earning. Explain, using complete sentences, three steps Amelia could take to lower her expenses each month.AMELIA'S BUDGET WORKSHEETCATEGORY BUDGET AMTWages and bonuses (after-tax): $1,815TOTAL INCOME: $1,815Rent: $375Gas/electric: $80Cable/Internet: $130Car payment: $325Car insurance: $110Cell phone: $85Gas for car: $145Entertainment (dinners, movies, etc.): $500Water: $15Groceries: $150Savings: $25TOTAL EXPENSES: $1,940SURPLUS: -$125

Okay so obviously she needs food and water so you can not take that out, but depending how far she goes for work and only go to the store once a week and save maybe like $45 on gas if she only goes to the store and store for maybe 2-3 weeks that will leave her with only $80 in det. Also she could save like lets say $20 a week by not going to the movies, also lets say go a little lower on groceries and only get only what she really needs, so take maybe $25 out of that and that will leave her with only $35 over. and who really needs cable all you really need is internet. So take and split the bill witch would be $65, witch would leave her with $30 extra a week plus the $25 in savings.
general 6 months ago 5216