An online poker tournament has six players at each table. The overall winner at each table moves onto the next round where he/she plays in another group of six and so on until a final winner is declared. If the tournament begins with 7776 players, how many players will be left after three rounds of play?

Step 1: Start with the initial number of players, which is 7776. Step 2: In the first round, only one player from each table moves on to the next round. Since there are 6 players at each table, divide the initial number of players by 6 to get the number of players remaining after the first round: 7776/6 = 1296 players. Step 3: In the second round, only one player from each group of 6 moves on to the next round. Since there are 6 players in each group, divide the number of players remaining after the first round (1296) by 6 to get the number of players remaining after the second round: 1296/6 = 216 players. Step 4: In the third round, only one player from each group of 6 moves on to the next round. Divide the number of players remaining after the second round (216) by 6 to get the number of players remaining after the third round: 216/6 = 36 players. Therefore, after three rounds of play, there will be 36 players left.
general 6 months ago 2723