ANSWER FAST!!! Usain Bolt ran the 2012 Olympic 100-meter race in 9.63 seconds. If he runs at this rate on a road with a speed limit of 25 miles per hour, how will his speed compare to the speed limit? Justify your answer. (25 mi/hr = 40,234 meters/hr)

Since the Usain Bolt ran the 2012 Olympic 100- meter race in 9.63 seconds compared to 40,234 meters in one hour, 

Since there is 3600 seconds in a hour, divide 3600 by 9.63 and you will get 373.8317757. 

3600 / 9.63 = 373.8317757 

Now multiply the 100 meters by that number for the total distance it would be if Usain Bolt ran the 100 meter race at the same rate for an hour, 

100 * 373.8317757 = 37383.17757 meters in one hour. 

Now to compare this with the 25 mile one that is coverted to 40,234 meters in 25 miles an hour. 

40,234 - 37383.17757 = 2850.82243 meters in comparison. 

The correct answer would be 2850.82243 or rounded as 2850 meter difference. 

Hope this helps! If it's wrong, let me know. 

~ ShadowXReaper069

general 6 months ago 7577