associated press online provided information from a fiscal analyst stating that during the past 20 years, the average after tax income of the wealthiest 1% of americans had grown from $263,700 to $677,900. what was the percent increase? Round to the nearest percent. ​

Answer:The percent increase is 157% Explanation:Average after tax income 20 years before: $263,700 Average after tax income after 20 years: $677,900 Increased average after tax  income : $677,900-$263,700                                                             =$414,200 Hence,  Percent increase = [tex]\frac{Increased amount}{original amount} \times 100[/tex] =[tex]\frac{414,200}{263,700} \times 100[/tex] =157.07% After Rounding off: =157% 157%  is the percent increase
general 5 months ago 1239