Last Saturday the Movie Plex theater sold 1456 tickets the theater so six times as many regular price tickets as it's so discount tickets Earl says that the expression 1456 / 6 gives the number of discount tickets is Earl correct if not write the correct expression explain your answer man thinks that the theater sold 1256 regular price tickets Jonah says that 1248 regular price ticket was sold do you agree with either person explain the reasoning all movies until 4 p.m. require discount tickets and all movies after 4 p.m. require a regular price ticket theater at the Movie Plex eats 98 people what is the least number of showings the theater could have shown after 4 p.m. last Saturday explain how you found your answer

Earl isn't correct: the number 1,456 represents the total number of tickets sold, rather than simply six times the number of tickets sold.
Let x= the discount ticket price
1456 = 6x + x1456 = 7xx = 28
28 discount tickets were sold. The total number of tickets sold is equal to both the number of discount tickets sold plus six times that number: 1,456 = 6x+ x. Solve for x. 
general 6 months ago 1984