At one of New York’s traffic signals, if more than 17 cars are held up at the intersection, a traffic officer will intervene and direct the traffic. The hourly traffic pattern from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. mimics the random numbers generated between 5 and 25. (This holds true if there are no external factors such as accidents or car breakdowns.) ScenarioHourNumber of Cars Held Up at IntersectionAnoon−1:00 p.m.16B1:00−2:00 p.m.24C2:00−3:00 p.m.6D3:00−4:00 p.m.21E4:00−5:00 p.m.15F5:00−6:00 p.m.24G6:00−7:00 p.m.9H7:00−8:00 p.m.9I8:00−9:00 p.m.9Based on the data in the table, which scenarios would require a traffic cop?

Scenarios B, D, and F require a police officer. In scenario B, 1:00-2:00pm, and scenario F, 5:00-6:00pm, there are 24 cars. In scenario D, 3:00-4:00pm, there are 21 cars. Both 24 and 21 are greater than 17, so a traffic officer is needed. However, in other scenarios, the number of cars are all less than 17, and no officer is needed.
general 6 months ago 8887