Bill took out a $125,000.00 mortgage on a lake house. The bank charged 2 points at the closing. The points amounted to $7,500.00. $2,500.00. $750.00. $5,000.00.

Answer:the correct answer is option is option BStep-by-step explanation:bill took mortgage on lake house of  $125,000.00the bank charge him 2 points  at the  closing.2 point closing means bank charges 2 % on the amount.hence we need to find  2 %  of the mortgage on a lake house   so , the pointed amount will be    = [tex]\dfrac{2}{100}\times 125,000.00[/tex]    =  0.02 × 125,000.00    = 2500so,  the point amounted is $2500hence, the correct answer is option is option B
general 6 months ago 7284