Column A The slope of the line through the points (12,-4) and (2,-10)ColumnBthe slope of the line through the points (-4,6)and (10,18)Compare the quantity in column A with the quantity in column B.A.The quantity in column A is greater.B.The quantity in column B is greater.C.The quantities in the two columns are equal.D.The quantities in the two columns cannot be compared.

The slope m of a line passing through points P(a, b) and Q(c, d) is found using the formula:

                     [tex]m= \frac{b-d}{a-c} [/tex].

Thus, the slope in A is [tex]m= \frac{12-2}{-4-(-10)}=\frac{10}{6}=\frac{5}{3}[/tex].

The slope in B is [tex]m= \frac{-4-10}{6-18}=\frac{-14}{-12}=\frac{7}{6}[/tex].

Now, to compare 7/6  to 5/3, we can write the second fraction as 10/6.

So, the slope in A is larger than the slope in B.

Answer: A
general 6 months ago 9953