Donald has xxx twenty-dollar bills and 111 ten-dollar bill.How much money does Donald have?Write your answer as an expression.Donald has xxx twenty-dollar bills and 111 ten-dollar bill.How much money does Donald have?Write your answer as an expression.

Alright, so we have xxx twenty dollar bills. If we have 1 twenty dollar bill, we have 20 dollars=20*1. If we have two twenty dollar bills, we have 20+20=20*2=40 dollars, and so on. Therefore, the amount of money Donald has in twenty dollar bills is 20*the amount of dollar bills = 20*xxx. Similarly with the ten dollar bills, we have 10*the amount of 10 dollar bills = 111*10. To multiply a number by 1 with a number of 0s after it (and no other numbers), we simply add a 0 to the end of the number for the amount of 0s the number you’re multiplying it by has. Therefore, we would then have 111*10=1110. Similarly, when dividing by a number with 1 and the start and such, we move the decimal place one to the left for every 0, so 111/10=11.1 instead of 111.0. Therefore, as the amount of money Donald has is the total amount of money he has in 20 dollar bills added onto the money he has in 10 dollar bills, he has 1110+20*xxx dollars.

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