Express as a single natural logarithm. ln 2 + ln 8 - ln 4A. ln 4B. ln 6C. ln 64

skip to answer 6Answers To The Whole Assignment 1. middle graph2. middle graph3.  in e^3 = 3, in e^2y=2y4. in e^ln1=1, in e^ln5x=5x5. A. In26.  A. In47. B. ln a + 2 ln b  C. ln a2 + ln b2 - ln a E. ln ab28. C. ln 25x + ln 1  D. ln 25x 9. In 3x= in3+ln x= in In 2a/b= In2+ln a-lnb10. A. 4 ln 2 + 4 ln x B. ln 4 - 2 ln x + 5 ln y11. A. x=5 B. x=612. C. {8} B. {3}13.  514. Since 0 in ln(3x) - 0 is not a logarithm, the  property of logarithms cannot be used here.The difference shown cannot be written as a quotient of logarithms.The step ln(x2) = ln(3x) - (0) reduces to ln(x2) = ln(3x).The possible solutions are 0 and 3, with 0 being extraneous.
general 6 months ago 4972