HARDEST MATH QUESTION IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The distance from Mia to Eva is 15 feet, and the distance from Mia to Abigail is 25 feet. A triangle is drawn connecting the positions of Mia, Abigail, and Eva. How far is Eva from Abigail if the angle marking Mia’s position is 50°?21.1 ft24.7 ft19.2 ft36.5 ft

Hello, there!

The distance from Mia to Eva is 15 feet, and the distance from Mia to Abigail is 25 feet. A triangle is drawn connecting the positions of Mia, Abigail, and Eva. How far is Eva from Abigail if the angle marking Mia’s position is 50°?

Let's pretend that

Mia is point A

Abigail is point B

Eva is point C.

The answer is 19.2 feet.

That means that the answer is C

I have drawn the triangle to scale, and attached it below. That way, you can see how I got this answer.

I hope I helped!

Let me know if you need anything else!

~ Zoe
general 6 months ago 9232