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1)  The correct answer is:  [C]:  " $ 41.91 " ._______________________________________________
2)  The correct answer is:  [C]:  " 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 " .
3)  The correct answer is:  [B]:  " 100,000 " . 
{Explanations follow}:

1)  The correct answer is:  [C]:  " $ 41.91 " .._____________________________________
Set up a proportion/ratio, in the form of a "fraction":

($ 26.67) / (7 gal)  = {"x" (in dollars} / (11 gal) ;  Solve for "x" (in dollars) ;

 7x = (26.67) * (11)  ;  

Divide each side of the equation by " 7 " ;  

→  7x / 7 = { (26.67) * (11) } / 7 ;   

to get:  

→  x = (293.37) / 7 ;

→  x = " 41.91 " (in dollars) ;  which is:  Answer choice:  [C]:  " $ 41.91 ".
2)  The correct answer is:  [C]:  " 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 ".
      "Which of the following expressions is equal to " 3⁴ " ? 

→  Answer choice:  [C]:  " 3 × 3 ×  3 × 3 " ; is the correct answer ; 

   →  which is the number, " 3 " ;  being multiplied by itself , "4 times"  ; 

   →  which is, by definition, the equivalent of:  " 3 ⁴  " .
Consider the other answer  choices: 
  [A]:  " 3 + 4 " ;  is incorrect;  since: "3 + 4" is equal to:  " 7 " ;  and
       " 3 ⁴  =  " 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 " = "81" .
 [B]:  " 3 × 4 " ;  is incorrect; since: "3 x 4" is equal to: "12" ; and:
                  " 3 ⁴   =  " 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 " = "81".
[D]:  " 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 " ; is incorrect;

since:  " 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 = 3 × 4 = 12 ;
→  (i.e. the number "3", added to itself "4" times) ; and:   

" 3 ⁴  " = " 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 " = "81" .
3)   The correct answer is:  [B]:  " 100, 000 " .
  "Which expression is equal to:  "  10⁵  " ? "
   The correct answer is:  [B]:  " 100, 000 " .
Note:  " 10⁵ "  =  the number "1" , followed by "5 zeros" .
Consider the other answer choices:
 [A]:  "10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10" ;  is incorrect ; since this would equal: " 10⁶ " .
 [C]:  " 1,000,000" ; is incorrect; since this would equal:  "10⁶ " ;  as well. 
 [D]:  " 10 × 10 × 10 × 10" ; is incorrect; since this would equal:  "10⁴ " .______________________________________________________
general 6 months ago 3543