If five times a number is increased by four, the result is at least 19. Find the least possible number that satisfies these conditions

3 is the least possible number that satisfied these conditionsThe solution set is: x≥3Step-by-step explanation:Let x be the numberThen according to given statementIf five times a number is increased by four[tex]5x+4[/tex]At least 19 means that the result will be equal to or greater than 19so,[tex]5x+4\geq 19[/tex]subtracting 4 from both sides[tex]5x+4-4 \geq 19-4\\5x \geq 15[/tex]Dividing both sides by 5[tex]\frac{5x}{5} \geq \frac{15}{5}\\x\geq 3[/tex]3 is the least possible number that satisfied these conditionsThe solution set is: x≥3Keywords: Inequality, VariablesLearn more about inequality at:brainly.com/question/3126500brainly.com/question/3306327#LearnwithBrainly
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