If g(x)= 1/2f(x), which of the following are solutions to g(x)

we have that
g(x)= 1/2f(x)

Value of the table N 1)  x=-3  f(x)=5
g(x)=(1/2)*5----> g(x)=2.5
solution of g(x) is (-3,2.5)

Value of the table N 2) x=-1  f(x)=-4
g(x)=(1/2)*-4----> g(x)=-2
solution of g(x) is (-1,-2)

Value of the table N 3) x=0  f(x)=2
g(x)=(1/2)*2----> g(x)=1
solution of g(x) is (0,1)

Value of the table N 4) x=5  f(x)=-8
g(x)=(1/2)*-8----> g(x)=-4
solution of g(x) is (5,-4)

Value of the table N 5) x=6 f(x)=3
g(x)=(1/2)*3----> g(x)=3/2
solution of g(x) is (6,3/2)

the solutions are

general 6 months ago 6117