In a experiment on relaxation techniques, subject's brain signals were measured before and after the relaxation exercises with the following results: Person 1 2 3 4 5 Before 32 38 66 49 29 After 26 36 59 52 24 Assuming the population is normally distributed, is there sufficient evidence to suggest that the relaxation exercise slowed the brain waves? (Use α=0.05)

Answer:There is no sufficient evidence to suggest that the relaxation exercise slowed the brain wavesStep-by-step explanation:Given that in a  experiment on relaxation techniques, subject's brain signals were measured before and after the relaxation exercises with the following results:The population is normally distributedThis is a paired t test since sample size is very small and same population under two different conditions studied.[tex]H_0: \bar x-\bar y =0\\H_a: \bar x >\bar y[/tex](Right tailed test)Alpha = 5%x y Diff 32 26 6 38 36 2 66 59 7 49 52 -3 29 24 5   Mean 3.4 Std dev 4.037325848 Mean difference = [tex]3.40[/tex]n =5Std deviation for difference = [tex]4.037326[/tex]Test statistic t = mean difference / std dev for difference= [tex]1.883[/tex]p value =0.132Since p >0.05 we accept null hypothesis.There is no sufficient evidence to suggest that the relaxation exercise slowed the brain waves
general 5 months ago 8754