Ivan's flower garden is on the opposite side of the yard from his vegetable garden. he plans to make it in the shape of an isosceles trapezoid, with a height of 7 feet and bases of 8 feet and 14 feet.what is the area of ivan's flower garden?

To solve this problem you must apply the proccedure shown below:

 1. You must the formula for calculate the area of a trapezoid, which is:


 B is the larger base of the trapezoid (B=14 feet).
 b is the smaller base of the trapezoid (b=8 feet).
 h is the height of the trapezoid (h=7 feet).

 2. When you susbtitute the values shown above into the formula, you obtain the area of the isosceles trapezoid. Then, you have:

 A=(14 feet+8 feet)(7 feet)/2
 A=154 feet²/2
 A=77 feet²

 Therefore,what is the area of ivan's flower garden?

 The answer is: 77 feet².
general 6 months ago 5824