ivy has 4 tiles with pictures of plants and 5 tiles with pictures of animals. ivy keeps all the tiles on a mat with the pictures hidden and mixes them up. she then turns 1 tile face up and finds the picture of a plant on it. she removes this tile from the mat and turns another over tile without looking. what is the probability that the second tile that ivy turns over has a plant on it?

Because you have 9 tiles in total, at first she has a 4 out 9 chance that she will turn over a tile with plants on it. Next she removed one so this means she has a 3 out of 9 chance of getting a tile with a plant on it. In percentage she will have a 33% chance of picking a tile with a plant on it . When there were 4 tiles with plants on them she had a 44% chance of picking one with a plant on it.
general 6 months ago 2087