The rate of infection with a certain disease is 3 new people every day. Write the expression that relates the number of new infected people and the number of days that have passed. If we start with one infected person, how many days will it take for the number of new infected people to be 50,000?

The expression that relates the number of new infected people (N) and the number of days that have passed (D) can be written as: N = 3D This expression states that the number of new infected people is equal to 3 multiplied by the number of days that have passed. To find out how many days it will take for the number of new infected people to reach 50,000, we can plug in the values into the equation and solve for D: 50,000 = 3D Dividing both sides of the equation by 3: 50,000/3 = D D ≈ 16,667 Therefore, it will take approximately 16,667 days for the number of new infected people to be 50,000, assuming a constant infection rate of 3 new people every day starting with one infected person.
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