Most flat screen TVs today are made with an aspect ratio (ratio of the length to the height) of 16:9. Xenock Electronics' top selling TV is their 28-inch model, whose viewing area has a length of 24 inches and a height of 13.5 inches. This TV costs $226.99. They have three main competitors that claim to offer a better deal per viewing area. Phil's Supercenter claims their 18-inch model, whose viewing area length is of the length of Xenock's 28-inch model, is a better deal per viewing area at $152.99. Tyler's Electronics claims their 33-inch model, whose viewing area height is 20% taller than Xenock's 28-inch model, is a better deal per viewing area at $276.99. Beltre's Superstore claims their 82-inch model, whose viewing area dimensions are 300% as large as Xenock's 28-inch model, is a better deal per viewing area at $2,079.99. List the TV's in order of best deal per viewing area. Assume all TV's have the same aspect ratio.

what question is more than paragraph? Good luck buddy with that
general 6 months ago 5362