pepe is putting up a fence in his backyard to enclose a garden in form of a triangle. The garden already has sides enclosed with eight feet and five feet of fence, respectively. What can you say about the length of the third side? A. The side needs a fence that is shorter than 8ft. but not necessarily longer than 5ft. B. The side needs a fance that is longer than 3ft. and shorter than 13ft. C. The side needs exactly 8ft. of fence. D.. The side needs exactly 11ft. of fence.

We know that in a triangle, given two sides, the third one must be smaller than the sum of the given sides, but greater than their difference:
z < x + yΒ 
z > x - yΒ 

Therefore, the length of the third side will be between the difference and the sum of the other two sides. In our case:
x + y = 13
x - y = 3

Hence, the correct answer is: B) The side needs a fence that is longer than 3ft. and shorter than 13ft.

general 6 months ago 7470