Please Help! 20 points! 2. During a sale at a clothing store, shirts are two-fifths their usual price, pants are one-third their usual price, and accessories are three-fourths their usual price.(a) Padma bought the following items. What is the sale price of each item as a fraction or a whole number? Show your work.Item Original priceT-shirt $15Jeans $40Earrings $10(b) What is the sale price of each item as a terminating or a repeating decimal? Show your work.(c) Round the price of each item to the nearest cent. What is the total cost of Padma’s purchases? Show your work. P.S. I need part C the most******

A) $15 * 2/5 = $6
$40 * 1/3 = 13 1/3
$10 * 3/4 = 7 1/2

B) $6, 13.33333, $7.5

C) $6.00, $13.33, $7.50
general 6 months ago 5748