Please help will give brainlistWhat are the zeros of the quadratic function f(x) = 6x2 – 24x + 1?A) x = –2 + square root 1/2 or x = –2 – square root 1/2B) x = 2 + square root 1/2 or x = 2 – square root 1/2C) x = –2 + square root 23/6 or x = –2 – square root 23/6D) x = 2 + square root 23/6 or x = 2 – square root 23/6

Answer:Option D. [tex]x=2+\sqrt{\frac{23}{6}},2-\sqrt{\frac{23}{6}}[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:The given function is f(x) = 6x² - 24x + 1The zeros of the given quadratic function can be calculated by quadratic formula[tex]x=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^{2}-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]By putting values a = 6, b = -24, c = 1 in the quadratic formula[tex]x=\frac{24\pm \sqrt{(-24))^{2}-4(6)(1)}}{2(6)}=\frac{24\pm \sqrt{576-24}}{12}=\frac{24\pm \sqrt{552}}{12}=2\pm \sqrt{\frac{552}{144}}=2\pm \sqrt{\frac{23}{6}}[/tex][tex]x=(2+\sqrt{\frac{23}{6}}),(2-\sqrt{\frac{23}{6}})[/tex]Option D. is the correct option.
general 6 months ago 4593