Please show your work.Mrs. Hamilton shows her students this graph and asks them to determine how figure A was transformed to figure B.Marcus suggests that figure A was reflected over the y-axis and then translated 2 to the right and 1 up. Julianne agrees and states that the transformations could happen in any order. Which best describes the accuracy of Julianne’s statement?A) Accurate. A translation of figure A of 2 to the right and 1 up and then a reflection over the y-axis produces the image, figure B.B) Accurate. A reflection over the y-axis and then a translation of 1 up and 2 to the right produces the image, figure B.C) Inaccurate. A translation of 2 to the right and 1 up and then a reflection over the y-axis results in a figure that is located in the second quadrant.D) Inaccurate. A reflection over the y-axis and then a translation of 1 up and 2 to the right results in a figure that is located in the second quadrant.

The answer is C) Inaccurate. A translation of 2 to the right and 1 up and then a reflection over the y-axis results in a figure that is located in the second quadrant This question is about Transformations and Periodic Function Now Julianne is inaccurate cause if the order of transformation is changed the final figure may not not be same as before as the order decides from where to where so changing path here could change the destination
general 6 months ago 6482