Select the two statements that are true about the equation −10=60(−40)y-10=60(x-40)

Answer:The slope of the line is 60  One point on the line is (40, 10)  Step-by-step explanation:The missing choices are : 1) The slope of the line is 10  2)One point on the line is (40, 10)  3)The slope of the line is 60  4)One point on the line is (10, 60) Given the equation y−10=60(x−40),  applying distributive property we get:y−10=60x - 60*40t = 60x - 2400 + 10t = 60x - 2390The slope is the number that multiplies x, that is, 60.To check if the point (40, 10) belongs to the equation, replace the values x = 40 and y = 10 in the equation, as follows:(10)−10=60((40)−40)0 = 0The same number appear at both sides of the equal sign,  then the point (40, 10) is on the line. Analogously, for point (10, 60):(60)−10=60((10)−40)50 = 60*(-30)50 = -1800The two numbers are different, then, the point (10, 60) is not on the line.
general 6 months ago 3098