Shortly after Samantha sold her shares, the price per share increased by $1.60. Anotherinvestor in the corporation, Jeffrey, owned 845 shares of Graham Corporation atanda 3-for-5 reverse stock split was announced how was Jeffrey financially affected by the split

Answer:Not affectedStep-by-step explanation:Given: Shortly after Samantha sold her shares, the price per share increased by [tex]\$1.60[/tex]. Another  investor in the corporation, Jeffrey, owned [tex]845[/tex] shares of Graham Corporation. A [tex]3-\text{for}-5[/tex] reverse stock split was announced.To Find: how was Jeffrey financially affected by the split.Solution:Number of shares Jeffrey had [tex]=845[/tex]Let the stock value of share after Samantha sold her share [tex]=\text{x}[/tex]Total value of Jeffrey's shares [tex]=845\text{x}[/tex]As a [tex]3[/tex] for [tex]5[/tex] stock split was announcedEach [tex]5[/tex] share is merged into [tex]3[/tex] shares and value of share is increased in respective ratio such that[tex]\text{total value of shares before split}=\text{Total value of share after split}[/tex]Now,Number of share Jeffrey had after split [tex]=\frac{3}{5}\times845[/tex]                                                                  [tex]=507[/tex]Stock value of share after split               [tex]=\frac{5}{3}\text{x}[/tex]Total value of Jeffrey's shares                [tex]=507\times\frac{5}{3}\text{x}[/tex]                                                                  [tex]=845\text{x}[/tex]  As the value of Jeffrey's stock before and after split is same therefore Jeffrey is not financially affected by the split.
general 6 months ago 3424