If I have savings of 74,000 in 200 and 500 bills, but I have 50 more 200 bills than 500 bills, how many bills are there of each one?

Let's use a system of equations to solve this problem. Let's call the number of 500 bills "x" and the number of 200 bills "y." We have two pieces of information: You have 74,000 in total savings. You have 50 more 200 bills than 500 bills. Now, let's set up the equations based on this information: The value of the 500 bills (x) is 500x. The value of the 200 bills (y) is 200y. The total savings is 74,000, so we can write this as an equation: 500x + 200y = 74,000. You have 50 more 200 bills than 500 bills, so we can write this as an equation: y = x + 50. Now we have a system of two equations: 500x + 200y = 74,000 y = x + 50 We can use these equations to solve for the values of x and y. Let's substitute the second equation into the first: 500x + 200(x + 50) = 74,000 Now, we can simplify and solve for x: 500x + 200x + 10,000 = 74,000 Combine like terms: 700x + 10,000 = 74,000 Subtract 10,000 from both sides: 700x = 64,000 Now, divide by 700 to solve for x: x = 64,000 / 700 x = 91 So, you have 91 of the 500 bills. Now, use the second equation to find the number of 200 bills (y): y = x + 50 y = 91 + 50 y = 141 You have 141 of the 200 bills. So, there are 91 bills of 500, and 141 bills of 200.
general 6 months ago 129