Solve the equation 2p/3-12=-2

Hey there! 

[tex] \frac{2p}{3} - 12 = -2 [/tex]

Firstly, we are going add [tex]12[/tex] on each of the sides that we're working with. like ↓ 

[tex]p - 12 + 12 \\ \\ = -2 + 12 [/tex]

This gives us [tex] \frac{2}{3}p = 10 [/tex] (if you are wondering how we got the out come of [tex]10 [/tex] it is because I added [tex]-2 + 12 = 10 [/tex]

Now multiply [tex] \frac{3}{2} [/tex] on each of your sides 

[tex] \frac{3}{2} ( \frac{2}{3}p) \\ \\ = \frac{3}{2} (10) [/tex]

Cancel the first set and you will find the value of [tex]p[/tex]

[tex]p = 15 [/tex]

Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day 

general 6 months ago 9655