Super sports is offering a 20% discount on each pair of shoes.which originally priced $72.50. A 6.5% sales tax will be applied to the discounted price. The same shoes are also available on double dribble's web site for $54.75. A 9% processing fee will be applied to the cost of the shoes, plus a shipping fee of $5.99 for each pair. What is the difference in the total costs of the 12 pairs of shoes between the two stores?

20% discount makes the price $58. Sales tax brings this to $61.77.
On the website the cost is 54.75Γ—1.09+5.99=$65.6675 for each pair.
The difference is exactly $3.8975 or $3.90 if working to the nearest cent.
For 12 pairs the difference in cost is $46.77 or $46.80 respectively.
general 6 months ago 5268