Suppose the radius of a circle is \color{purple}{3}3start color purple, 3, end color purple. what is its circumference?either enter an exact answer in terms of \piπpi or use 3.143.143, point, 14 for \piπpi and enter your answer as a decimal.

[tex]\text{Consider the circle of radius 3.}\\ \\ \text{we need to find the cirumference of the circle.}\\ \\ \text{we know that the circumference of the circle of radius r is given by}\\ \\ \text{circumference}=2\pi r\\ \\ \text{so using this formula, the circumference of the given circle is}[/tex][tex]\text{Circumference}=2\pi r\\ \\ =2\pi \times 3\\ \\ =6\pi \\ \text{so the circumference of the circle is}=6\pi\\ \\ \text{and in decimals, it gives}=6\times 3.14\\ \\ \Rightarrow \text{circumference}=18.84[/tex]Hence the circumference of the circle is: 6π  or  18.84 units
general 6 months ago 2276