Varia is studying abroad in Europe. She is required pay $3,500 (in US dollars) per year to the university, however, she must pay in euros. How many euros can Varia expect to pay per month to the university? (Round to the nearest whole euro.)0.7306 euros = 1 US dollar

Answer:213 euros per monthStep-by-step explanation:1dollar = 0.7306eurosthus $3,500 dollars can be found by a rule of threedollar             euro1             ⇒  0.73063500     ⇒        xwe find x as follows:[tex]x=\frac{0.7306*3500}{1} = 2,557.1[/tex] eurosShe will pay 2,557.1  euros per year.Dividing between the 12 months of the year:[tex]\frac{2,557.1}{12}=213.1[/tex]Rounding to the nearest whole euro she will pay 213 euros per month.
general 6 months ago 1900