The equation [tex]2m^{2}-1m-8=0[/tex] has solutions of the form M= N +or- sqaure root of D/over MSolve this equation and find the appropriate values of N,M,and D. Do not worry about simplifying the √D portion of the solution.N= M= D=

Answer:N = 1M = 4D = 65Step-by-step explanation:The given equation is of the form ...   ax² +bx +c = 0where a=2, b=-1, c=-8.The quadratic formula gives the solution to the above equation as ...   [tex]x=\dfrac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]So, for your equation, the solution is ...   [tex]m=\dfrac{-(-1)\pm\sqrt{(-1)^2-4(2)(-8)}}{2(2)}=\dfrac{1\pm\sqrt{65}}{4}[/tex]Comparing this to the form ...   [tex]m=\dfrac{N\pm\sqrt{D}}{M}[/tex]we see ...N = 1M = 4D = 65
general 5 months ago 6460