The factorization of x2 + 5x + 6 is modeled with algebra tiles below. What are the factors of the trinomial?

Answer:Given: Trinomial is x² + 5x + 6To find: Factors of given Trinomial factors of Trinomial can be found using identity or using middle term split method.In given Trinomial no other than x² is a square term. ⇒ we cant use identities.So we factories given trinomial by middle term splitConsider,x² + 5x + 6Split 5x in 3x and 2x⇒ x² + 3x + 2x  + 6   Taken x common from first 2 terms and 2 from last 2 terms.⇒ x( x + 3 ) + 2 ( x + 3 )  By Grouping ( x+3 ) &  ( x+2 ), we get⇒ ( x + 3 )( x +  2 )Factors of given Trinomial = ( x + 3 )( x +  2 )
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