The graph below shows the solution to which system of inequalities

Answer:C. y </ 3/4x +10 and y<l -1/2x - 3 Step-by-step explanation:Basically first do process of elimination with your focus on one equation for example :: ( >l is greater then or equal to and <l is lease then or equal to)focus -> y >l 3/4x + 101) determine which line has the y-intercept of positive 102) is the line dotted or straight? dotted line = > or < while straight line = >l or <lthis should get rid of B and D now3) remember this = if the slope is - then the shaded portion would be the way that the less then sign is pointing( y <l -4x then the shaded portion would be on the left side )remember again = if the slope is + then the shaded portion would be the way that the greater then sign is pointing ( y <l 4x then the shaded portion would be on the right side )so the line that we are focused on would have the right side shaded which means that it would be a <l ,so the answer would be C hope this helped you understand how to solve these a bit better! (tbh the day I figured how to solve these problems, I swear the whole world turned 180 degrees for me. )
general 6 months ago 2110