The graph highlights two other points on the trend line. Use them to find another equation for the trend line shown for this scatter plot.Y=82x+998 , Y=247.7x-335 , Y=743x-1647 , Y=998+82 ?

The general equation of the line:
 y = mx + c
where m is the slope of the line , and c is constant
m will be calculated using the points (2,1162) , (11,1900) as follow

m = (1900-1162)/(11-2) = 82
 ∴  y = 82 x + c

By substituting with the point (2,1162) to find c
∴ c = y - 82x = 1162 - 82 * 2 = 998

∴ y = 82x + 998

The first choice is the correct answer

general 6 months ago 3809