The larger of tow numbers is 11 more than twice the smaller number. The sum of the numbers is 1 less than seven times the smaller number. Find the numbers

The larger number is 17 and smaller number is 3.Step-by-step explanation:Let, Larger number = xSmaller number = yAccording to given statement; x = 2y + 11   Eqn 1x+y=7y -1    Eqn 2Putting value of x from Eqn 1 in Eqn 2;[tex](2y+11)+y=7y-1\\2y+11+y=7y-1\\3y+11=7y-1\\3y-7y=-1-11\\-4y=-12[/tex]Dividing both sides by -4[tex]\frac{-4y}{-4}=\frac{-12}{-4}\\y=3[/tex]Putting y=3 in Eqn 1[tex]x=2(3)+11\\x=6+11\\x=17[/tex]The larger number is 17 and smaller number is 3.Keywords: linear equation, additionLearn more about linear equations
general 5 months ago 3683