There is a 70% chance that a person eats dinner, a 50% chance a person eats dessert and a 35% chance the person will eat dinner and dessert. Which of the following is true?A. Eating dinner and eating dessert are dependent events because P(dinner)*P(dessert)=0.7*0.5=0.35 which is equal to P(dinner and dessert)=0.35.B. Eating dinner and eating dessert are independent events becauseP(dinner)-P(dessert)=0.7-0.5=0.2 which is less than P(dinner and dessert)=0.35.C. Eating dinner and eating dessert are dependent events because P(dinner)-P(dessert)=0.7-0.5=0.2 which is less than P(dinnerand dessert)=0.35.D. Eating dinner and eating dessert are independent events because P(dinner)*P(dessert)=0.7*0.5=0.35 which is equal to P(dinnerand dessert)=0.35.

I think the answer is A.
general 6 months ago 3747