Tia bought a sweater that was discounted for 20% of the original price. She saved $4.60 with the discount. What was the original price of the sweater?

Answer:  The original price of the sweater was $23.00.Step-by-step explanation:  Given that Tia bought a sweater that was discounted for 20% of the original price and she saved $4.60 with the discount. We are to find the original price of the sweater.Let $x be the original price of the sweater.Then, according to the given information, we have[tex]20\%\times x=4.60\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{20}{100}\timesx=4.60\\\\\\\Rightarrow \dfrac{x}{5}=4.60\\\\\Rightarrow x=4.60\times5\\\\\Rightarrow x=23.[/tex]Thus, the original price of the sweater was $23.00.
general 6 months ago 8466