Two equations are listed below. Solve each equation and compare the solutions. Choose the statement that is true about both solutions.Equation 1 Equation 2|5x − 6| = −41 |7x + 13| = 27

|5x − 6| = −41  it has no solutions because module ( abs value) cannot be negative

|7x + 13| = 27          -(7x+13)=27
7x+13=27                 -7x-13=27
7x=14                       -7x=40
x=2                            x=-40/7

check:   |7*(-40/7) + 13| = 27  ,   |-40 + 13| = 27,   |-27| = 27 correct
There are no statements, so I cannot choose the correct one
general 6 months ago 8285